Whether you are in a shared host, private server, dedicated server or a cloud server. The prerequisites are git and composer to install in command line in SSH before using our project.
aptinstallgit-y# private server, dedicated server or a cloud server..wgethttps://getcomposer.org/download/2.4.3/composer.pharchmod+xcomposer.pharchown $USER:$USER composer.pharnano~/.bash_profilealias composer="php /$USER/composer.phar"# PlanetHoster alias composer="php /$HOME/composer.phar"# OVH # Mac: Command+X & Y | Windows/Linux: Ctrl+X & Ysource~/.bash_profile# Add in schedule task@rebootsource~/.bash_profile@monthlycomposerself-update# latest auto composer PHP# Shared hosting create a shell fileecho"source ~/.bash_profile && composer self-update">update-composer.sh406**0update-composer.sh# every weeks